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1.) Edit the prefs.xml file directly for the HTTPS server_item object. Add in "sni_enabled" as true in there and save. Then it will be SNI ready and can be used. We have not exposed a UI element as its too advanced for most people.

2.) On the HTTP port, you need a keystore can be anything generic, but I suggest putting in stuff in it...its name must be "main.jks". The name is important to follow along with the example.

3.) Now your need two other files. transfer.etrials.com_main.jks and transfer.eclinicalos.com_main.jks All files should be in the same folder that you specified for main.jks. Each should have their own set of keystore info, do not put multiple in one keystore as that is not how the system is designed. They must all use the same passwords too.

Now when a browser connects it hints at the domain being used as part of the SSL, CrushFTP then loads that particular keystore and uses it for that connection. So based on the domain used, you will get a different keystore.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
sni_https_port.jpg 629.5 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
sni_portecle.jpg 101.0 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
« This particular version was published on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ada Csaba.
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