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The Preview feature, when enabled allows displaying the user file list in Thumbnail View mode, for most popular image, document and video file formats.For documents, a thumbnail image of the first (usually title) page is rendered, for videos, 10 slides evenly sampled along the duration time.


Thumbnails generation relies on widely used free 3rd party conversion utilities, either part of the host operating system ( qlmanage in case of Mac OS ), can be downloaded from either the OS apps repository ( Linux yum and apt), or as a standalone package from the maintainer's site ( Windows, all OS).
The Preview settings page has a dropdown selector list displayed dynamically based on the host OS platform, we'll display the available presets for image and video preview. In case of Windows, Linux the conversion utilities need to be deployed manually.

Image and document files:

On Linux platforms need to deploy GraphicsMagick for image formats and also Ghostscript for documents. On Debian based platforms the packages are readily available from the apt repository
apt-get install graphicsmagick
On Red Hat/CentOS and usually other RPM based distros, can be installed from the EPEL repository. Download the latest epel-release rpm from[your redhat version here]/x86_64/
Install epel-release rpm:
rpm -Uvh epel-release*rpm
Install GraphicsMagick the package:
yum install graphicsmagick
Alternatively, can try to use ImageMagick still, the v6.x version line if available, is stable. The v7.x version line however may not be.
apt-get install imagemagick
Ghostscript has been on all major Linux app repositories for long, can simply install it like
apt-get install ghostscript
On Windows platforms will need to user GraphicsMagick mandatorily, for the recent versions of ImageMagick will not work with Java no more. There are options, either use the binary installer, or use the portable .zip package and deploy it somewhere.
External links to maintainer's download page


On Mac OS platforms usually don't need to do nothing, the conversion utility is readily available, need to use the qlmanage preset, it will work out of the box.

Video files:

On Linux, need to install ffmpeg from the official app repository, depending on the distro, with apt, yum or dnf, like
apt-get install ffmpeg

On Windows need to download from the maintainer either the binary installer and run it, or the portable .zip package then unzip it somewhere on the host. External link to maintainer's download page:


On Mac OS platforms usually don't need to do nothing, the conversion utility is readily available, need to use the pcastaction preset, it will work out of the box.

EXIF data (optional):

We can display additional information under the thumbnails on hover, if exiftool_ is deployed. It's not a mandatory component, but if needed, on Linux can install it from the apps repository, on Windows, download the binary from, drop it into the GraphicsMagick binary's parent folder. On Mac OS, need to download and install from the dmg package.

Setting it up:

Once the prerequisites are fulfilled, choose the appropriate preset from the
Conversion utility presets dropdown list.

In some cases the automatic
Working directory path may be inaccurate, in that case,

Heading 2 title#

Holding down the Alt key while click the Add Folder button allows adding remote items (FTP://, SMB3://, etc.)

So the top half of the window in general you don't touch or change anything. Just use the preset menu. The bottom half of the window, you specify directories that CrushFTP should monitor for new files. When it sees a new file, it generates a thumbnail for that file.

You can also have thumbnails generated for movie files. OS X has a built in method for doing this, other OS's can use other utilities such as FFmpeg. Still frames will be grabbed out of movies and made available as the mouse hovers over the icon.


The WebInterface with previews being generated may look something like this.


Add new attachment

Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachments.

List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
preview1.png 91.0 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
preview2.png 29.6 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
preview_config1.jpg 469.3 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 15:23 Ada Csaba
preview_config2.jpg 183.6 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 15:23 Ada Csaba
preview_log.jpg 1,215.8 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 20:16 Ada Csaba
preview_main.jpg 751.2 kB 2 08-Aug-2023 15:26 Ada Csaba
usermanager_config1.jpg 303.0 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 19:57 Ada Csaba
webinterface_folders.png 469.3 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
« This particular version was published on 08-Aug-2023 17:45 by Ada Csaba.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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