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CrushFTP-specific terms used in this wiki, and related:

definition text
def txt
Group Template account
def txt
VFS Linking
def txt

Groups in the user manager are a way to organize users into different lists. A group by itself does not imply any inheritance of settings. So a typical group will just organize users into a list, but there are no inheritance settings.

If you want groups and inheritance to work together, then you need to make a user who has the same name as the group. Be careful to keep the case on the username and group name the same.

For example, if you make a user name "events_for_upload", and make a group named "events_for_upload" as well, when you add users to this group, they will also be set to inherit settings from the user "events_for_upload". So it does both. But if the user "events_for_upload" did not exist, its only a list of users with no inheritance.

Using this you could configure events on the user "events_for_upload", and then everyone you add into the group would get these settings.


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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
groups.png 19.3 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
groups1.jpg 151.6 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 20:43 Ada Csaba
groups2.jpg 162.7 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 20:52 Ada Csaba
groups3.jpg 205.8 kB 2 17-Oct-2023 20:53 Ada Csaba
groups_inheritance1.jpg 328.1 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 20:42 Ada Csaba
groups_inheritance2.jpg 311.0 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 20:42 Ada Csaba
groups_template1.jpg 395.7 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 20:42 Ada Csaba
« This particular version was published on 17-Oct-2023 19:15 by Ada Csaba.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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