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Sometimes there is a need to find items modified in an interval of time. This example helps to develop a job to facilitate this.


In the UserVariable task, the olderthan_days and newerthan_days variables are to ease the adjustment of the job. Whenever the need of altering the interval comes up, only these two variables have to be edited, every other aspect of the configuration can be left untouched.


The Find task doesn't need much adjustment but the Depth of the folder structure has to be considered and the task configured accordingly.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
find_interval1.png 94.7 kB 1 19-May-2023 11:17 Sanci
find_interval2.png 33.1 kB 1 19-May-2023 11:23 Sanci
find_interval3.png 25.5 kB 1 19-May-2023 12:47 Sanci
find_interval4.png 25.2 kB 1 19-May-2023 12:54 Sanci
« This particular version was published on 19-May-2023 11:24 by Sanci.
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