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Find folders with nested subfolders and files, copy or move them to another location preserving the inner folder structure (Recursive Copy/Move).

The job is made up of a Find -> MakeDirectory -> Copy task chain with a little tweak.


Point the Find task to the parent folder of the folder structure you wish to copy. In my case, the parent folder is the Source/ folder, and want to find anything in the ABC folder including that, hence the Find Filter. Keep in mind, that we do a match against the full source URL, this is the reason for the */ABC* filter syntax. The 'Use absolute paths' must be DISABLED. Adjust the Depth of the folder structure according to your environment and optionally adjust the age according to your goals.


Point the MakeDirectory task to the target folder, and use the {parent_path} variable at the end of the URL after Browsing the folder.


Browse the same destination folder in the Coy task you have used in the MakeDirectory, but this time the variable at the end is {path}. Optionally can increase the threads if there are multiple smaller files, and can convert the Copy task to Move with one click


The Recursive Delete This scenario is more simple, the difference is that the 'Use absolute paths' option has to be ENABLED. You might want to decrease the retrying seconds, but otherwise, the defaults of the Delete task are right.




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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
MoveFromFTP.png 37.0 kB 1 11-May-2023 13:14 Sandor
rec_copy1.png 35.9 kB 3 11-May-2023 13:05 Sandor
rec_copy2.png 35.6 kB 2 11-May-2023 13:05 Sandor
rec_copy3.png 12.6 kB 1 02-May-2022 09:16 Sandor
rec_copy4.png 38.4 kB 4 11-May-2023 13:04 Sandor
rec_del1.png 24.2 kB 1 02-May-2022 09:17 Sandor
rec_del2.png 34.1 kB 2 11-May-2023 13:05 Sandor
rec_del3.png 16.6 kB 1 02-May-2022 09:17 Sandor
« This particular version was published on 02-May-2022 09:19 by Sandor.
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