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Starting with CrushClient 1.8.0, it can also be run with a quick single command type action.
The following command actions can be used: copy, move, delete, rename, test.
After the command action you can specify parameters, then finally you can specify the urls. So the syntax is always as follows:

java -jar CrushTunnel.jar COMMAND_ACTION [-o | -c | -lc] SRC_URL DEST_URL

-o parameter is for overall options on the CrushClient.
-c parameter is for connection specific configurations for the destination location
-lc parameter is for connection specific configurations for the source location (not commonly used)
-v parameter makes the output a bit more verbose
Please note the spacing on -o and -c parameters. There is NOT a space between the parameter, equals sign, and value. Adding a space will break the syntax and everything will fail.

An upload uses a local path as the first source location where a download uses the server url as the first source location.
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy file://folder1/file.txt
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy file://folder1/file.txt
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy /C:/folder1/file.txt
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy file://folder1/file.txt 
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy -o max_threads=10 -c ssh_private_key=/C:/keys/test.ppk s file://folder1/file.txt 
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar copy file://folder1/
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar move file://folder1/
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar delete
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar delete
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar rename file2.txt

If the command fails, the exit code will be non 0.

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« This particular version was published on 05-Nov-2021 09:38 by Ben Spink.
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