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This page (revision-27) was last changed on 24-Jan-2024 07:51 by Ben Spink

This page was created on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
All have a start and end, and use curly brackets. Some take additional parameters separated by colons. :
All have a start and end and use curly brackets. Some take additional parameters separated by colons. :
At line 17 added 8 lines
VRL encodes the inner data....@ becomes {at}, % becomes {percent} etc.
VRL decodes the inner data. {at} becomes @ etc
At line 49 changed one line
Safeguards the text for raw SQL preventing ' and ; and %, etc risks in input text.
Safeguards the text for raw SQL preventing ' and; and %, etc risks in the input text.
At line 83 changed one line
Parsing a date to a millisecond value. Example: {parse_start:MMddyy HH~..~mm~..~ss}042578 22:43:12{parse_end} Note how the sideways colon is used to represent the colon since colon is our separator character. ~..~ means : in functions where that scenario occurs.
Parsing a date to a millisecond value. Example: {parse_start:MMddyy HH~..~mm~..~ss}042578 22:43:12{parse_end} Note how the sideways colon is used to represent the colon since colon is our separator character. ~..~~ means: in functions where that scenario occurs. For strict parsing use character '__=__' at the beginning of the date format like {parse_start:__=__MM/dd/yyyy}. It will parse only valid dates and fails for example for __13__/02/2022 (Month maximum number is __12__).
At line 92 changed one line
protocol, user, pass, host, port, path, file, and query in this order.
At line 100 changed one line
Do very basic math operation on text formatted math. Example: {math_start:l}5+5{math_end} would result in 10. The l is for LONG. f is for FLOAT. i is for INTEGER, which is the default. So {math_start:f}5+5{math_end} would result in 10.0
Do very basic math operations on text formatted math. Example: {math_start:l}5+5{math_end} would result in 10. The l is for LONG. f is for FLOAT. i is for INTEGER. d is for big numbers (double of the integer) which is the default. So {math_start:f}5+5{math_end} would result in 10.0
At line 104 changed one line
Reference a list of user attributes, separated by a delimitator character, of a group of users. Example: {group_start:email:MainUsers:,}Mygroup{group_end} comma separated list of user e-mail addresses members of Mygroup from MainUsers connection group
Reference a list of user attributes, separated by a delimitator character, of a group of users. Example: {group_start:email:MainUsers:,}Mygroup{group_end} comma-separated list of user e-mail addresses members of Mygroup from MainUsers connection group
At line 120 added 22 lines
Turn off function replacement. If the text starts with the variable {ignore_functions} function replacement will be turned off.
Log custom text to CrushFTP.log
{log_start}some text, or {variables}{log_end}
!Save, Load, and Add to named list items in a job flow. (UserVariable task only) (CrushFTP 10.3.0_43+ supports this)\\
Save a copy of the current list to the name in the function (applying the filter of the UserVariable task)
Load a list into the current list and start using it. The existing list is discarded.
Add the current item to a named list.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 24-Jan-2024 07:51 5.262 kB Ben Spink to previous
26 19-May-2023 03:48 5.087 kB Sandor to previous | to last
25 06-Feb-2023 02:35 5.042 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
24 06-Feb-2023 02:34 5.026 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
23 06-Feb-2023 02:33 5.026 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
22 06-Feb-2023 02:29 4.992 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
21 06-Feb-2023 02:27 4.915 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-27) was last changed on 24-Jan-2024 07:51 by Ben Spink
G’day (anonymous guest)
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