To act as an AS2 server (receiving partner), the following conditions are to be met:

Create user account with a valid VFS directory. This directory will receive the decrypted payload, also a local copy of the MDN files generated.The VFS directory name doesn't matter, but it's important the user account not to have more than one VFS directory assigned to.

Configure the account in User Manager "AS2" section with the decryption key and signature validation cert.

An publicly available HTTPS port. In a vanilla deployment, there is a port 443 server listener already in placem can also add a custom port on the IP Servers page.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
as2_user_options1.jpg 459.3 kB 1 30-May-2024 03:40 Ada Csaba
as2_user_options2.jpg 456.8 kB 1 30-May-2024 03:41 Ada Csaba
« This page (revision-8) was last changed on 30-May-2024 05:06 by Ada Csaba
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