The 'Users', 'Groups', and 'Convert' menus.

Common shortcuts to functions you do in the user manager. You also have buttons for these actions, and can right click on users for these actions.


Common shortcuts for groups. You can also right click on users and get these same options.


The migrate user's data folders option will go through all the users and update references in their VFS from one value to another. This can be useful when you have changed hard drive names, paths, OS running CrushFTP, etc.

Conversion options to 'normalize' all the user.xml values. This is essentially the conversion from older CrushFTP versions. Any entries in the user.xml file for a user that match the default user's user.xml file will be removed so that the setting is inherited. Technically you could use this feature at any time, but usually you only need it after upgrading to CrushFTP6.


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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
menu_convert.png 26.9 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
menu_groups.png 23.9 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
menu_users.png 15.3 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
« This page (revision-4) was last changed on 25-Oct-2018 04:31 by Ben Spink
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