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This tab contains all the server configuration settings. There is a list of server items you have configured, along with the properties for each item to the right of the list. The special IP of "auto" tells CrushFTP to look up your correct external IP as an outside user would need. In rare cases you may want to change this, but there is almost never a reason to alter this. CrushFTP will automatically respond with the proper IP if a connection is coming from inside the network, or with the external IP if the connection is coming from outside the network.


Each server item can be set to use a specific server group for its users and groups. Clicking the button will let you choose a different one. By default, all server items are set the user the "MainUsers" collection. This means all users in that server group are being shared across all ports. The same logins works across different protocols. You can configure these server groups in the "User Config" tab.


Each server item has an ip, port, and protocol assigned to it. There are further options on several of the protocols. Clcik on the advanced tab to see more options. The FTP protocol can have SSL, or TLS encryption enabled as an option for it. You can also force it to being required, but users with older FTP clients won't be able to connect.


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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
prefs_ip_servers.png 84.6 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
prefs_ip_servers_advanced.png 55.1 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
prefs_server_group1.png 17.9 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
prefs_server_group2.png 13.3 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
« This particular version was published on 25-Oct-2018 04:31 by Ben Spink.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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