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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
LetsEncrypt.jar 4,377.4 kB 23 21-Apr-2022 10:17 krivacsz For Version 9.4.0 Build : 16
lets_encrypt.png 120.1 kB 7 27-Mar-2020 16:24 krivacsz version 4
lets_encrypt_header.png 34.9 kB 1 22-May-2019 05:19 krivacsz

This page (revision-43) was last changed on 18-Jan-2021 09:39 by Ada Csaba

This page was created on 30-Oct-2018 16:11 by Ben Spink

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At line 3 changed one line
This plugin is possible starting with CrushFTP v9. You need to download this plugin and place it in your CrushFTP ▸ Plugins folder. [LetsEncrypt.jar]\\
This plugin is possible starting with CrushFTP v9. You need to download this plugin and place it in your CrushFTP ▸ Plugins folder. After that a service restart is required. [LetsEncrypt.jar]\\
At line 5 changed one line
⁨Applications⁩ ▸ ⁨CrushFTP9_OSX⁩ ▸ ⁨⁩ ▸ ⁨Contents⁩ ▸ ⁨Resources⁩ ▸ ⁨Java⁩ ▸ ⁨plugins⁩ \\
⁨Applications⁩ ▸ ⁨CrushFTP9 ▸ ⁨plugins⁩ \\
At line 15 added 2 lines
Server Instance : To generate certificate for DMZ just specify the DMZ server instance name. The Let's encrypt server will test the given server instance. Leave it empty for normal case. \\
At line 19 changed one line
tls_alpn-> It is a tls based challenge it requires the CrushFTP to have an HTTPS server item available from outside on port 443.
tls_alpn-> (!!! Only works with Java 11+) It is a tls based challenge it requires the CrushFTP to have an HTTPS server item available from outside on port 443.\\
At line 21 changed one line
Domains : Multiple domains should be separated with a comma.\\
Domains : Sets the SAN (Subject Alternate Name) field of the cert, can be a single domain name, or multiple, in that case multiple domains should be separated with a comma. Subdomains are actually totally different domains than the parent domain, in case of a multi-domain cert, need to specify each subdomain name individually. That until Letsencrypt will allow wildcard certs.\\
At line 25 changed one line
Staging flag: It is for test mode. If the is true it will only generate a dummy jks, not a valid one.\\
Staging flag: It is for test mode. If this flag is toggled, we will only generate a dummy keystore in memory.\\
At line 27 changed one line
If the all fields are ready hit the submit, and the jks will be created in the specified keystore location.\\
If the all fields are ready hit the submit, and the jks will be created in the specified key store location.\\
At line 29 changed one line
Once done, and full success, there is another step. On Preferences_>Encryption_>SSL page, will need to supply the same full path to the keystore (.jks) file and the passwords you entered on the Letsencrypt plugin. The plugin only generates the key store, but doesn't apply it. Once done, test, if successful, save, then restart the HTTPS port or the CrushFTP service, to actually load the cert. Then can test with a browser.\\
Once done, and full success, there is another step. On Preferences_>Encryption_>SSL page, will need to supply the same full path to the key store (.jks) file and the passwords you entered on the Letsencrypt plugin. The plugin only generates the key store, but doesn't apply it. Once done, test, if successful, save, then restart the HTTPS port or the CrushFTP service, to actually load the cert. Then can test with a browser.\\
At line 31 changed one line
Will need to click Submit and restart every 60-90 days , bacuse the Letsencrypt cert is valid only for this long.\\
Will need to click Submit and restart every 60-90 days , because the Let's encrypt cert is valid only for this long.\\
At line 35 added 3 lines
__Update the certificate automatically:__ It updates the certificate automatically and restarts the https server item ports. Let's encrypt server allows 5-6 tries weekly, we suggest to set the check certificate weekly.\\
__Alert:__ To get notification about failed updates create Plugin Message alert (Preferences -> Alerts).
At line 35 changed 2 lines
1. Check that your server is reachable through the given domain with http protocol on the default port (80).\\
2. Check the Delete account key pair and Delete domain key pair flags and test again.\\
0. Download replace plugin. Let's Encrypt often has change on the API.
1. Check that your server is reachable through the given domain with http protocol on the default port (80) or on https on the default port (443).\\
2. Check Staging flag, it is a test mode. Always try first in test mode. Check the Delete account key pair and Delete domain key pair flags and test again.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
43 18-Jan-2021 09:39 3.62 kB Ada Csaba to previous
42 18-Jan-2021 09:38 3.612 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
41 19-Oct-2020 14:23 3.294 kB Sandor to previous | to last
« This page (revision-43) was last changed on 18-Jan-2021 09:39 by Ada Csaba
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