 Dropbox supports external integration through an HTTP-based REST API. \\
 Generate an api key using : https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps?_tk=pilot_lp&_ad=topbar4&_camp=myapps\\
 - the redirect url must be added like : https://www.example/?command=register_dropbox_api, it also need to end with "?command=register_dropbox_api".\\
Now that the API is enabled, and your credentials are setup, and your redirect domain is configured, you can use the credentials in CrushFTP to get your Dropbox auth token and get access.\\
In the User Manager, add a new remote VFS item type and set the protocol to be "Dropbox".\\
Take your Dropbox App key and App secret and combine them together with a tilde as separator:\\
ap_key: ew7XXXXXXXXXXo6o
ap_secret: by78XXXXXXXvW4h
results in: