!This scenario is a special mode of CrushFTPDrive to make it act as a transparent SMB proxy to a CrushFTP server.

Example launch command (very long):\\

java -Dcrushftpdrive.base_url= -Dcrushftpdrive.server_ip= -Dcrushftpdrive.server_port=13000 -Duser.home=./ -Dcrushftpdrive.smbserver=true -Dcrushftpdrive.writeprefs=false -Dcrushftpdrive.writelog=false -Dcruftpdrive.writelogconsole=true -cp CrushFTPDrive.jar:alfresco-jlan.jar com.crushftp.client.smb.CrushFTPDrive -d drive_username=MyUser drive_password=password drive_auto=true drive_letter=CrushFTPDriveHome drive_auto_open=false map_drive=false

!Lets break down what all those parameters are:\\
This is the URL to the CrushFTP server.  This is how we will be logging into it.
This is the SMB server IP we are goign to bind to, being all ips on the current machine.\\
This is the server port we will bind on waiting for connections.  445 is the default SMB port.\\
This sets the java home location tot he current folder...important if you allow logging or creation of a prefs.XML file.
Force start a SMB server, by default this is true except if launching this on OSX.\\
Block the saving of a prefs.XML file containing our inline prefs we define.\\
Block the writing of a physical log file, usually you will want this to be true.
Write the log to the console instead of to a separate log file...good for a temporary quick debugging of an issue without using a log file.\\
Now we specify the jar files we are using to run this Java app...thsi includes the alfresco jar and the CrushFTPDrive jar.\\
{{{-cp CrushFTPDrive.jar:alfresco-jlan.jar}}}
Now we specify the class of the app to launch with:\\
The main parameter that makes it run in a daemon mode comes next:\\
Followed by prefs.XML values that we are defining in line so we don't need to rely on a prefs.XML file to be loaded.\\
drive_username=MyUser drive_password=password drive_auto=true drive_letter=CrushFTPDriveHome drive_auto_open=false map_drive=false