The admin checkboxes control mostly what SITE commands a FTP client can issue to the server.  These SITE commands have specific features they do.

VERSION - gets you the current server version.

USERS - lists currently connected sessions.

KICK (session id) - use the USERS SITE command to get the session list.

KICKBAN (session id) - use the USERS SITE command to get the session list.

PASS (password) - allows you to change your password.

ZIP - makes all dir listings end everything with a .zip extension so a GUI client can understand the list and download an item as if it were a .zip file.

DOT - shows or hides items starting with a dot as the first character.

QUIT - kills the CrushFTP server as soon as this user logs out.

CHMOD 777 (filename) - changes the Unix permissions on a file.

CHOWN (user) (filename) - changes the unix owner on a file.

CHGRP (user) (filename) - changes the unix owner on a file.

Allow passwords to be emailed - controls if the login page of the WebInterface will email this user their password.

Allow Web Proxy / Adhoc proxy - controls if a built in proxy mode CrushFTP has can be used by this user, and if they can generate their own proxy connections.

Remote Administration - allows this user to connect with another copy of CrushFTP to do remote administration of the server.  They get a full unrestricted GUI just like you are using.
