This feature allows to create and use port forwarding mode SSH tunnel sessions just like with [OpenSSH|]. \\
!!Configuration steps:\\
__1.) add an SSH tunnel instance on Preferences ->[Tunnels|tunnels] page, user configurable.__  Port number doesn't really matter, not used.\\
[{Image src='um_sshtunnel1.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
__2.) assign that tunnel instance to a user account__ in User Manager Tunnels section\\
[{Image src='um_sshtunnel2.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
__3.) connect with openssh tunnel mode no console__\\
{{{ssh -v -N -L 8888:localhost:8080 testtunnel@ -oPort=2222}}}\\
where, replace ,as per your settings the IP and port 8888 is the local port number you will connect to with a browser localhost is the remote forward IP we tell the ssh (Crush server) to connect the tunneled port . It's a Crush loopback tunnel, we connect to the HTTP port 8080 on the same host. Port 8080 is the remote port to tunnel to -oPort=2222  is the Crush server's publicly accessible IP and SFTP port testtunnel is the tunnel user (not necessarily the same user you log in by, over tunneled webinterface)