!!URL : []
!Command Line
Launch CrushClient, then by typing the word "agent" or "agentui", the UI will launch.  The command agentui will not try and open your browser to the UI, just makes it available for later use is all.\\
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar
You can also launch the agent using alternative commands to get the UI by default:
java -cp CrushTunnel.jar com.crushftp.client.AgentUI
In case of Linux OS without graphical desktop, need to launch in "headless" mode;
java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp CrushTunnel.jar com.crushftp.client.AgentUI
!Service / Daemon
You can also type the word "service" and the service will be installed on the machine making the agent be an always on and available File Transfer client for the end user.
!Download and Run!
A complete bundled app, and dual java install for OSX/Windows can be downloaded here. [attachments|CrushClient.zip]
''Unfortunately, for OSX, you need to make the script executable first, and then authenticate it one time to un-quarantine Java.''\\
chmod +x CrushClient.command