Backblaze supports external integration through an HTTP-based REST API.\\
__Restriction:__ REST API does not support resume on upload and mdtm(File modification time) changes. You can use the __S3 connection endpoint__ as a workaround.\\
!1. Access through B2 REST API\\
Create App keys on [https://www.backblaze.com/]\\
Use the "KeyId"  as username and the application Key as password.\\

The URL pattern looks like this:
b2://<<KeyId>>:<<applicationKey>>@api.backblazeb2.com/<<Bucket Name>>/
!3. Access through S3 API\\
Open the bucket settings and use the s3 endpoint URL for S3 connection.\\
Use the "KeyId" as username and the application Key as password.\\
The URL pattern looks like this:
s3://<<KeyId>>:<<applicationKey>>@s3.us-west-000.backblazeb2.com//<<Bucket Name>>/