!1. Azure File Share\\
CrushFTP supports Microsoft Azure Shares as VFS item, it requires a __Storage Account:__ [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-overview]. \\
The URL should looks like (Replace the url with your corresponding data!):\\
You can find those on the Azure portal, under __Storage Account__. From the left-side menu select __Access keys__ to reveal them.\\
Then paste them on the appropriate fields in CrushFTP.\\
When using “Browse…” in the Jobs interface, or plugin interfaces, the UI is slightly different:\\
There is an input field for the file service share: Share Name \\
!2. Azure Blob Container\\
CrushFTP supports __Azure Blobs__ as VFS item, it requires a __Storage Account:__ [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-account-overview]. \\\\
Azure Blob Storage is not like a normal filesystem with folders and deeper levels you can go into.  It's more like S3 where a file’s name contains slashes making it simulate a folder structure but with many limitations when it comes to renaming and truly simulating a normal file system. Folder rename is not supported.\\
The URL should look like (Replace the url with your corresponding data!):\\

When using “Browse…” in the Jobs interface, or plugin interfaces, the UI is slightly different:\\
To specify the blob container use the input field: Share Name \\

You need to select the blob type (append blob or block blobs - page blobs are not supported) specified when creating the blob on Azure.

!3. SAS token\\
Azure also has the ability to delegate access with a shared access signature (SAS) [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-sas-overview].\\
In this case, the url should looks like:
The __password field should be empty__ and put the SAS token to the "__Shared access signature token__" input field.\\